Program Directory

The Sound of Ideas - A Plan for Young Adults Aging Out of Foster Care
Foster care is a lifeline for children in need, but when they become adults -- that means at age 18 or upon graduation from high school -- they're out. A hundred and twenty teens age out of foster care each year, some with no place to go. A Case Western Reserve University study shows foster kids are five times more likely than their peers to become homeless. Details on a new plan to prevent youth homelessness, Thursday morning at 9 on the Sound of Ideas.


Tasha Jones, former foster child, youth contributor to A Place 4 Me Initiative
Gary Stanger, immediate past director and current advisor at the Jim Casey Youth Opportunities Initiative
Robert L. Fischer, PhD, Co-Director of the Center on Urban Poverty at CWRU
Kate Lodge, Program Director, A Place 4 Me Initiative
Angela D'Orazio, Program Officer, Sisters of Charity Foundation of Cleveland
July 9, 2015