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The Sound of Ideas - 2-21-2019 Cleveland Water & Sewer Rates
Living next to a Great Lake is great. In the Great Lakes region, cities like Cleveland, Detroit and Buffalo sit on the shores the biggest fresh water supply on the planet. But getting that water into our homes, and getting it out when it's been used, is incredibly costly. And over the last decade, those costs have risen quickly. And with the rise in rates has come a rise in water shutoffs for those who can't afford the bills. American Public Media and Great Lakes Today recently examined the impact of rising water and sewer costs in six Great Lakes cities, including Cleveland. We'll discuss the findings with representatives of the Cleveland Water Department, the regional sewer district and the Alliance for the Great Lakes.

Jason Wood, Ph.D., Chief of Public Affairs, Department of Public Utilities, City of Cleveland

Kyle Dreyfuss-Wells, Chief Executive Officer, Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District

Crystal Davis, Policy Director, Alliance for the Great Lakes
February 21, 2019