Program Directory

Ohio Channel Presents - 2018 Developmental Disability Awareness Day
March is National Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month. This year's theme is "Celebrate CommUNITY". CommUNITY means people with and without disabilities working, going to school, playing and participation in their communities together.

Join Shari Cooper, Master of Ceremonies, and Ohio Department of Development Disabilities' Director John Martin as they welcome speakers to excite volunteer advocates from around Ohio.

Jeff Davis introduces Christine Brown, a member of Project STIR and Clinical Research Assistant for the Nisonger Center.

Sharon Dorsey introduces Wallace Peck, an artist working at the Open Door Art Studio and Gallery.

Ed McClain introduces Logan Detwiler, an advocate and Special Olympics gold medal winner.

Suzie Burke introduces Josh Anderson, an at-risk youth advocate and motivational speaker.
March 7, 2018