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Newsdepth - Springtime and the Great Backyard Bird Count
While Ohioans may have enjoyed some warm days last weekend, Texas had wildfires, Californians had snow, and the Midwest ran for cover from tornadoes. Wildfires in Texas are running rampant, destroying land equal to half the size of Rhode Island .

Dorothy and Toto recovered from the twister that struck Auntie Em's house, but Missouri residents don't see a happy ending in the near future after last weekend's tornadoes.

As many as 30,000 Sand Hill Cranes stopped in Monte Vista, Colorado during their migration north. The big birds stop to rest and socialize on their way from New Mexico to their summer home in Idaho .

NASA's Cassini probe has made an exciting observation on its travels around Saturn - the possibility of water on one of Saturn's moons.

Lakewood high school physics students learned about flotation - or the lack of it - last week at the fourth annual cardboard boat regatta.

The results are in as Ohio bird watchers came out in flocks to support the Great Backyard Bird Count. Ohio was fifth in the country for bird watchers. Mentor and Cincinnati were third and fourth among communities.

March 17, 2006