Program Directory

Black History Month - Good News, The Chariot's Coming
"I'm Gonna' Ride the Chariot in the Morning Lord!," the jubilant Negro spiritual, declares with great anticipation the hope and dream of riding in style one day.

The presentation I'm Gonna' Ride the Chariot in the Morning Lord!, brings to life, through dramatic narrative, the true stories of African Americans who tired of waiting for "The Morning." Men and women fought courageously and with bold determination to defeat the social evils and legalized injustices of their day that prevented them from using public transportation.

Meet Homer Plessy of Plessy vs. Ferguson fame and hear the back story of his eventful train ride. John Lewis, whom we now call Congressman, suffered mob brutality as a student Freedom Rider.

Sojourner Truth, Harriet Tubman, and Ida B. Wells-Barnett, 19th Century warriors, let us know how long and intense the struggle to ride has been. Claudette Colvin, Rosa Parks, and Catherine Burke give background and details of battles won during the previous century.

Like the spiritual, I'm Gonna' Ride the Chariot in the Morning Lord! ends in a crescendo of hope for a better day and a better America for all.
February 6, 2018