Program Directory

Artzine - Jim Masters and the American Jazz Experience
The old Lazarus building in downtown Columbus is the site of the new Ohio State University Urban Arts Space. We visit the gallery and talk with fine arts master's students who exhibit everything from sculpture and printmaking to ceramics and glass.

The Columbus Arts Festival takes great pride in showcasing the musical talent in the city. ArtZine features two performances this month from the festival - the first from Throat Culture, a high-energy accapella group that has been together for decades. The second, from Lone Raven, a popular two-family based celtic band that had the arts festival patrons hopping.

Learn what it takes to bring a mascot to life. We follow the development of COSI's new "Ratio" mascot from 2-D idea to full 3-D life size character.

And find out how Jim Masters and the American Jazz Experience brings jazz into classrooms all across central Ohio.
October 1, 2009