Program Directory

Applause - Ingenuity Fest
The journey began two years ago, and over $100,000 in the hole, for a group of high school bandmates chosen for the biggest concert of their young lives - the 2008 Summer Olympics in Beijing, China. But thanks to the generous outpouring from individuals, and corporate sponsors, the Shaw Cardinal Marching Band exceeded their goal, and just recently, returned from their 10-day odyssey to the pre-game Olympic festivities. Joining host Dee Perry will be two members of the Shaw High School Band, Erica Walker and Rory Tripp, along with filmmaker, Tom Jacobs, who traveled with the band to document their travels.

Ingenuity Fest, Cleveland's festival of art and technology, returns this weekend with performances, projects and exhibits that are sure to entertain, enlighten and educate. Returning for an encore performance is 2007 Grammy winner for Best Instrumental Soloist Performance, Angelin Chang. Last year, Angelin performed on a specially-designed piano equipped with a touch-tone computer that transformed every note into a digital image that was projected onto a large screen producing a magical experience of sight and sound.

While a passing glance at the paintings of Doug Sanderson might remind you 1960's Op-art, his work is far from a mere illusion. Inside his latest works, Arcane Images, there's a much deeper meaning to those geometric shapes.
July 24, 2008