Program Directory

Applause - Doug Sanderson, Artist
While a passing glance at the paintings of Doug Sanderson might remind you 1960s op-art, his work is far from an illusion. And inside his latest works, Arcane Images, you'll find a much deeper meaning.

At the movies, knights in shining armor usually brandished only one suit made of metal. Who knew there were options? On view at the Cleveland Museum of Art is an exhibit, Arms and Armor of Imperial Austria, that provides a rare look at the armor and weaponry during the Renaissance period. We'll speak with the Curator of Medieval Art at the Cleveland Museum of Art, Stephen Fliegel, about the exhibit.

When you think of manufacturing in Northeast Ohio, steel and rubber probably comes to mind. But for over a century, another kind of metal work has been taking place in our own backyard that's brought enjoyment to millions all over the world. We'll find out why Conn-Selmer outshines other instrument manufacturers.

February 21, 2008