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All Sides with Ann Fisher - 11:00 AM - Wellness Wednesday: Anorexia, Lyme Disease, Menopause
Warm weather puts us all in the mood for outdoor dining- and this includes ticks. Lyme Disease was once quite rare in Ohio, but the tick population has exploded recently. We'll find out why, and why Lyme can be so hard to treat. We'll also hear from a heart surgeon whose daughter fell victim to anorexia, and get an evolutionary explanation of menopause.


Glen Needham, biologist and tick expert
Janet Decesare, Lyme Disease survivor, author of Ticked Off
Jon Stone, biologist at McMaster University
Kristen Hawkes, anthropologist at the University of Utah
Ismael Nuño, Medical Advisor for the Alfred Mann Institute of Bioengineering at University of Southern California, author of Spirit of the Heart
July 3, 2013